Academic Affairs |:| Deans Council

The purpose of the Deans’ Council is to advise the Vice President for Academic Affairs on academic policies and budget to engender a good academic environment.

The Deans’ Council shall:

  1. Advise the VPAA on the development, implementation, and monitoring of academic policies, operational improvement, and practice, and provide feedback on budget development;


  1. Share Information from the University Council, external sources, and college constituencies;


  1. Encourage collaboration across colleges, units, and with relevant external entities;


  1. Create a forum for academic planning by identifying academic priorities and facilitating

         mission advancement


  1. Deliberate on items submitted by the University Council, Faculty Senate, and other

         Bodies when they impact the classroom, the curriculum, and the faculty roles and      

         responsibilities as required by the NCHE of Liberia; and


  1. Delegate projects or assignments for preparation of the agendas and distribution of



Members shall be expected to actively participate, contribute to agenda development, and jointly sponsor any item of shared interest.